Smart-M is a top-of-the-line IoT Management Platform that fuses sensory outputs and data sources to extract actionable insights and provide smart real-time decision-making tools. By truly integrating data types and sources into a single interconnected management platform, Smart-M provides complete visibility, enables fast and efficient response, supports long-term asset optimization and functioning as the heart of the command and control center.

Smart-M has been operational for over 20 years, and constantly reinvented in correlation with advancing technologies. This vast field experience has been acquired through dozens of successful implementations in smart cities, airports, mega events, parliaments, municipalities, police forces, security operations and secured facilities worldwide.

Smart-M at a Glance

  • Open to advanced IoT technologies
  • Comprehensive, real time situational awareness
    Smart decision-making
  • Big data analytics (web-based BI dashboard)
  • GIS-based interface
  • Reporting tools and full audit trail
  • Scalable for any organizational size and structure
  • Fully customizable

Extracting smart insights from IoT

Smart-M was designed with a deep understanding of organizational business logic, specifically that of complex, large-scale, sensitive, multi-user organizations, allowing it to connect the physical IoT world with data sources to provide real-time decision-ready intelligence that go beyond immediate operations and enable asset optimization.